charset,UTF-8 //Error Message error.appinit,The error occurred during starting of application.\nIn order to acquire more detailed information, please change the "Use Exception Handler" setting. error.apprun,Since the internal error occurred during execution, application is terminated.\nIn order to acquire more detailed information, please change the "Use Exception Handler" setting. error.cannotshowusagegraph,Since starting time is insufficient, usage time graph cannot be displayed. Please redo after about 1 minute passes. error.invalidipport,The port number cannot be used. Please set between 1024 and 65535. error.sstp.cannotlisten,A connection setup by the port number went wrong.\nPlease check whether the value which has not overlapped with the port used with other applications, or was invalid port number. error.nofile,Essential file and/or directory cannot found.\nPlease re-install SSP or fix manually. error.browserexec,Failed to execute browser.\nPlease check "Preferences"->"Applications"->"Browser" error.tempboot,SSP is booting in the temporary directory. error.uacboot,SSP is booting in UAC protected directory. error.asciiboot,SSP is booting in a problematic directory that has a character code problem. error.alreadyrunning,SSP seems to be already running. error.bootanyway,This situation may cause data loss. Do you want to boot anyway? //Ask / Info info.threadbusy,Some commands are now processing.\nPlease wait some minutes and quit once again.\n\nDoes it surely force to terminate? info.compatiblemode,This ghost may need legacy specification support.\nShall I switch to old specification support mode? info.notinstalled,Not installed.\nShall I open an Distribution URL? info.delghost,Are you sure you want to delete this ghost?\nThis command cannot undo. info.netconnection,Not connected to network, or connection prohibition time you specified.\nConnect? info.sstplog,Please specify maximum size of SSTP log.\nIf log file is bigger than this setting, old file will be deleted. info.sstpport,Please specify SSTP port number to listen.(0-65535) info.serikowait,SERIKO wait multiplier (Please input percentage of wait time) info.charset,Please choose default character encoding. info.vanish,Uninstall function disabled.\nPlease enable before execute. info.sender,Please input Sender text passed to SHIORI\n(Materia:embryo CROW:crow Default:empty/SSP) info.install.overwrite,Trying to install to existing directory.\nDo you want to overwrite it? info.install.overwrite.additional,Choose "Yes" to overwrite.\nChoose "No" to automatically change folder name to avoid overwrite. info.install.refresh.a,Trying to clean (refresh) install to existing directory.\nExisting data will be lost. Do you want to overwrite it? info.install.invalidsupplement,It seems to be an invalid supplement file.\nInstall anyway?,Please select install destination. info.recommended.g-to-b.change,You have selected the balloon other than the ghost recommendation.\nIf you had switched, ghost will behave unexpectedly.\nDo you want to change anyway? info.recommended.g-to-b.delete,You are about to delete a balloon "%2" that is recommended from below ghosts:\n%1\nDo you want to delete anyway? info.recommended.g-to-b.delete.recommend,You are about to delete a balloon "%2" that is designated from below ghosts:\n%1\nIf you had deleted, some ghost behavior may be wrong.\nDo you want to delete anyway? info.recommended.b-to-g.change,This balloon is a recommended (dedicated) balloon of below ghosts:\n%1\nIt's not recommended to use this balloon with other ghosts.\nDo you want to change anyway? info.recommended.b-to-g.delete,All ghosts that are recommended from balloon "%1" have been deleted.\nDo you want to delete this balloon? info.toomanyselection,You are selecting too many elements.\nDoes it surely execute? info.errorlog,Error and/or Warning log exists. Click to Show Error Log List. info.overwrite,Already Exists.\nOverwrite it? info.developer,Contract with me and become a developer!\nWhen this option is enabled, you will experience serious problems, such as spoilers.\nDo you want to enable anyway? info.developer.exit,In "Disable \- Tag Exit" Mode.\nPlease use developer palette setting to resume normal operation. info.developer.update,In "Update Check Only" Mode.\nPlease use developer palette setting to resume normal operation. info.virtualdesktop,Characters has been shown on another virtual desktop. info.gcsakura.found,This ghost is already registered. info.gcsakura.deny,Registration denied because of install.txt or robots.txt configuration. info.gcsakura.nohomeurl,Required "homeurl" entry not found. Can't register non-updatable ghost. info.gcsakura.nocraftman,One of craftman/craftmanw/craftmanurl entries not found. Can't register ghost that has incomplete creator information. info.gcsakura.disconnect,Can't connect to Ghost Capter Sakura server. info.archivepassword.first,This archive/NAR is password protected.\nPlease input the password. info.archivepassword.retry,Password mismatch.\nPlease input the correct password. info.developer.testupdate,Please input the number of updated files. info.developer.timemachine,"Hook Current Time API (Timemachine)" function is activated.\nPlease use developer palette to resume normal operation. info.url.ghostboot,Do you want to launch the ghost specified in the URL that you are trying to open? info.shortcut.desktop,Do you want to create a shortcut to this ghost on the desktop? info.shortcut.startup,Do you want to make this ghost start automatically at OS startup? //Resource resource.common.yesno,Yes,No resource.common.okcancel,OK,Cancel resource.common.addmoddel,Add,Modify,Delete resource.common.other,Other,Menu resource.common.sameas,The same choice also applies after the next item. resource.common.dontsayagain,Don't show this message again resource.common.createnew,Create new one resource.listdialoglabel,Name,Creator,Path,Group,\0Name,\1Name,Install,Update,UpResult resource.listdialogfind,Please input the text you want to find. resource.scriptloglabel,Ghost,Type,Script resource.biff.allaccount,&All Accounts,Select Web Browser,Select Mailer,Select Editor,Select File Manager,Select Subversion EXE,Select Git EXE,Sound File,Schedule:%d.%d.%d,Call Ghost,Close Ghost,Ghost Not Found,Delete This Data resource.setting.balloon.command,No Operation,Same As Left-Click,Script Termination,Change Direction,Change Balloon Offset,Show Menu,Move Character Window resource.setting.sstp.boot,Don't Boot,Messenger Only(SSTP/1.5),Boot Ghosts As Many As Possible (IfGhost) resource.setting.sstp.close,Close when Balloon-Hide Timing,Leave,Set Close Timer... resource.setting.update,Compatible with Other Clients,Strict (SSP Default),Restore Mode(Check All Files),Ghost Information...,Shell Information...,Balloon Information...,Ghost,Shell,Balloon,Headline,Plugin resource.setting.ghostcloseduration,Time until Ghost Closes resource.setting.title,SSP:Configuration resource.setting.messengerlabel,User Name,Address,Port,Group resource.setting.dirservlabel,Service,Logon,Description resource.setting.ipportlabel,Port,Status resource.setting.bifflabel,Account,Address,AutoCheck resource.update.latest,You are using latest version. No need to update. resource.update.exist,New version released. Will you want to download it? resource.update.error,Can't check SSP version. resource.schedule.type,Event,Meeting,Appointment,Reservation,Time Limit,Party,A Date,Work,Go Out,TV,Recording,Cd,Game,Video,Book,Release //Script script.biff.check,Checking mail... script.biff.result,Mail has arrived.\n%1 email(s), %2 byte(s). script.updatedata.creating,Creating network update file... script.updatedata.created,Network update file created. script.nar.creating,Creating NAR... script.nar.created,NAR Created. //Messenger,Delete selected recipients. Are you sure? //POP,Delete selected account. Are you sure? //LOG log.definedtwice,Defined Twice. log.boundrectempty,Bounding Rectangle Empty. log.offset,Offset Error. log.notfound,Not Found. log.empty,Empty. log.noimage,Has No Image. log.invalid,Invalid log.typo,Invalid log.orphan,Not Used. log.bracebeginnotfound,"{" Not Found. log.braceendnotfound,"}" Not Found. log.braceextrachar,Extra Char. After "{" or "}". log.newold,New definition, Old version. log.oldnew,Old definition, New version. log.invalidalias,Invalid Alias. log.urlslashadd,URL "/" Added. log.deletetxtconflict,is also in delete.txt log.compatibility,Compatibility Problem in This Definition log.moduleerror,Communication error. Possible file corruption. log.similar,-- similar log repeat : x log.pngpna,PNA size is different from PNG, or PNA isn't grayscale : log.lavfilter,You can try to install LAV Filters ( ) and restart SSP to solve this problem.